Page 4 - Yate Town FC v Swindon Supermarine 260322
P. 4

Good afternoon and a warm welcome to all of our supporters, and also to
       Lee Spalding, his players, staff, the club officials and all the travelling fans
       who have made the short trip from Swindon this afternoon. We hope you
       enjoy your visit to the South West Interiors stadium today.

       As some of you may know today is Non-League Day with England playing
       Switzerland  at  5:30pm  and  no  Premier  League  or  Championship  games
       scheduled that weekend, the date provides a platform for clubs to promote
       the importance of volunteer-led community football, while empowering fans
       to  show  support  for  their  local  non-league  side.  Over  the  years,  an
       increasing  number  of  clubs  across  the  National  League  System  have
       recorded  significantly  higher  crowds,  in  some  cases  doubling  or  even
       tripling their average attendance. Once again the NLD team are partnering
       with Prostate Cancer UK to raise funds for, and awareness of, an illness that
       affects thousands of men in Britain every year. Collection buckets will be in
       the clubhouse and turnstile, please give generously.

       It is also poignant on the day when we are calling on fans to support their
       local club that we remember two of our own very dedicated followers who
       have been sadly taken from us.

                                         James  “Jim”  Duke  was  a  dear  friend,
                                         father, granddad, uncle, great uncle and
                                         brother.  He  followed  Yate  Town  Home
                                         and away for 40 years after starting his
                                         first job as a YTS trainee at the age of
                                         17  with  his  employer  Sun  Chemicals.
                                         Jim would most likely be spotted by the
                                         dugout with a cup of tea, rain or shine.
                                         He wasn’t vocal on the  side  lines, but
                                         his wise words would be worth listening
                                         to and he would always encourage his
                                         group  of  friends  from  his  local  in
                                         Bradley  Stoke  to  join  the  crowd  at
                                         Lodge  Road  for  those  memorable
                                         fixtures and  make a day of it. We are
                                         joined by his family today and we know
                                         he’ll be watching today!!!!
                                         RIP James Duke, 23rd October 1964 -
                                         6th March 2022.

       Laurence ‘Jock’ Coia was also a much loved father, grandfather, and great
       grandfather who recently passed away at the tender age of 91. Jock was
       born in Glasgow into a family of 15. He loved football and in the 1970’s
       managed the Yate Town 3rd team achieving much success on the pitch, but
       more importantly giving up his valuable time for the benefit of others who
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