Page 6 - Yate Town v Wimborne Town 170821
P. 6


       Good evening everyone and welcome to The South West Interiors Stadium for our first home Southern
       League Premier South match with Wimborne Town. May I extend a warm welcome to James Stokoe,
       the Wimborne staff, players, officials and supporters, I hope you have a safe journey to and from Yate
       this evening and enjoy the hospitality of our club. May I also welcome all our Yate supporters back to
       the club for this first league match and thank you for your support throughout pre-season and to those
       that travelled to see our first game away at Harrow Borough on Saturday.
       It has been a mixed pre-season where we have concentrated on doing what is right for us in the long
       term and we have learned a lot about our players, our staff and our team as a whole. We have played
       tough games which has allowed me to see what our players can do within the framework we give them
       and we haven’t focused on results. For example, we played two games in consecutive evenings to allow
       the players to experience a 90-minute run out at the right time in pre-season but that meant our squad
       was spread thin and supported by our wonderful developing youth players, as a result the performances
       suffered but in those games we got the much needed physical output we were looking for. We have also
       nursed injuries and for example at Redditch where we hoped to be full strength we had to manage a
       number of players with the most important aim of getting them fit for this week. Finally, I’ve not known
       a  pre-season  like  it  for  player  unavailability.  That  is  not  a  dig  at  the  players,  our  players  are  fully
       committed,  however,  the  last  2  years  has  seen  countless  weddings,
       holidays and breaks that have been paid for pushed back to this time
       period  and  players  are  obliged  to  do  the  things  they  have
       committed to with the people they love. Hopefully all that will be
       beginning  to  be  behind  us  and  we  can  settle  in  for  a  long,
       successful and full season here at the South West Interiors.
       In the summer we have brought in a number of players, I won’t
       go into detail here I’d direct you to our player profile page to
       have  a  look  through.  However,  for  all  the  players  we  have
       brought in we have a number of injuries at the moment and
       even some players we are yet to see in a Yate shirt will sadly be
       some  weeks  away.  At  the  time  of  writing  (prior  to  Harrow
       Borough so excluding any knocks from the weekend) I already
       know it will be some weeks at least before the supporters get
       to see the talents of Tyler Ashmead, Luke Hopper, Josh
       Allen, Mark Thuo out on the wonderful surface here
       at  Lodge  Road.  On  that  note  I’d  like  to  thank
       Roger Hawkins and the ground staff team for all
       their  work  on  the  pitch  getting  in  pristine
       condition  once  again  for  this  visit  of
       Wimborne Town.
       Despite the absentees we are confident in
       the  squad  we  have  and  whilst  we  know
       Wimborne will present us with a big test this
       evening we feel we are far better prepared
       for a successful season than last year and
       cannot wait to show the supporters what we
       intend to be about this season. We will try to
       be  on  the  front  foot  every  game  and  go
       forward, we will look to play with tempo and
       intensity and whilst the vast majority of the
       clubs  in  this  league  will  have  greater
       resources I know the supporters want to see
       the team be bold, confident, play with no fear
       and  go  forward  with  purpose.  There  will  be
       times that we fall down but let’s see what the
       season holds and what we can achieve with belief,
       togetherness  and  positivity  from  each  and  every
       one of us, the players, the staff, committee, directors
       and supporters. Let’s hold these values and see where
       it takes us this season.
       Let’s go to work!
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