Page 36 - Yate Town FC v Beaconsfield & Winchester 15/181022
P. 36

THE SQUAD                               YATE TOWN FC

       Matt Green - Forward    Calvin Dinsley - Midfield  Martin Horsell - Goalkeeper
       Striker Matt Green joins this                    ‘Horse’ is an experienced keeper
       season bringing a wealth of                      who re-joins the Bluebells this
       football league experience. Matt’s               season from league rivals
       career started at Newport County                 Swindon Supermarine. During his
       before representing clubs such as                spells away Horse enjoyed a
       Mansfield, Oxford, Birmingham                     great spell under current boss
       and Lincoln City where he won                    Peter Beadle at Hereford FC
       the EFL Trophy in 2018.                          where they had many successful
                                                        moments. A great leader who’s
                                                        experience will be vital this

       Liban Ibrahim - Central   Ryan Lewis-Hillier - Forward Alex Lambert - Winger
                                                        SPONSORED BY SIMON
       After scooping player of the                     LAMBERT. Alex is no stranger to
       season and being voted                           Yate after playing for the Youth
       supporters player of the season                  setup before progressing to
       at Paulton Rovers last term, Liban               senior football. A personal trainer
       opted to move to Yate to test                    by trade Alex has great agility
       himself at Southern Premier level.               and uses his strength and speed
       A hugely enthusiastic midfielder                  to great effect. After finishing
       who shows great desire to                        university Alex moved to Bristol
       improve himself and the team                     based Brislington before moving
       with his effortless running in the                to Larkhall Athletic from where he
       middle of the pitch.                             signs this season.
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