Page 38 - Yate Town FC v Beaconsfield & Winchester 15/181022
P. 38

THE SQUAD                               YATE TOWN FC

       Joe Tumelty - Central   Leighton Tuodolo - Full        Manager Peter Beadle
       Midfield           Back
                                                              Beads joins Yate Town with
       SPONSORED BY TRACEY  New addition Leighton joins       an impressive CV. As a
       PETERS & DAVE     us from Chippenham Town              player he can list clubs such
       CHANNON.          where he was part of their           as Tottenham Hotspur, AFC
       “Tums” is an experienced   development setup. Having   Bournemouth, Watford,
       attacking midfielder who   previously played Southern   Bristol City and Bristol
       arrived from Larkhall in the  League Football for Paulton   Rovers. He went into
       summer of 2021 and will   Rovers and Slimbridge,       management with Taunton
       hope to add creativity and a  Leighton steps up to the   Town, Newport County and
       share of goals to Yate this   Premier Division South   Clevedon before taking
       season. Joe has also had   hoping to cement a regular   charge at Hereford, guiding
       spells Bristol Manor Farm,   spot in the team.         them to the National League
       Hereford and Chippenham                                North via the Midland
       amongst others                                         League and Southern
                                                              League in which he won
                                                              three consecutive league
                                                              titles becoming the first
                                                              Non-League side to do so.

       Assistant Manager Stuart 1st Team Coach Dan   Kit Manager Gary Webb  Jonny Evans Sport
       Fleetwood         Gillespie                            Therapist
                                           This is Gary’s third year as   Having gained his degree in
       After a few years as a player Gilly is in his second season  1st team Kit man. Widely   Sports therapy at the
       coach “Fleets” has been   with the club having joined  known in the local football   University of
                                                              Gloucestershire, Jonny
       recognised for the   before the pre season of   community he represented   joined Hereford FC during a
       contribution he made to last  2021/22. A UEFA B licence   Yate Town just under 40   highly successful period.
       season’s success and   holder and has previously   years ago, he has been an   Upon leaving Hereford Jonny
       appointed Assistant   managed at Tytherington   active referee for the last 15  joined Cirencester Town
       Manager. With a relatively   Rocks and held coaching   years, in addition to   before opting to link up
       new squad to develop his   roles at Tuffley Rovers. With  coaching experience with   again with manager Peter
                                                              Beadle at Yate Town. A
       experience as a coach,   a year of Southern League   Chipping Sodbury FC.  meticulous therapist with
       underpinned by a career in  coaching under his belt Gilly   exceptional attention to
       the full time game with   is looking forward to        detail, Jonny is a much
       Cardiff City, Hereford, Forest  working with the new    respected and vital member
       Green Rovers and Charlton  management team and         of the back room team with
       amongst others, will prove   improving the players     his unrivalled professional
       invaluable.       individually and collectivel
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