Page 4 - Keynsham Town FC v Cadbury Heath 041022
P. 4
Car Parking Charges
at AJN Stadium
New charges for parking will be introduced
by the facility management company, Brea
Avalon, on 17 October 2022.
The reason for bringing in charges is two-
fold: to raise funds to offset the large
increase in running the facility and to better
manage the number of cars in the car park.
Funds raised from this will be retained by
Brea Avalon and will not be passed to
Keynsham Town FC.
The cost of parking is £2 per day per car.
There are two ticket machines on site
Club Officers where you can put in your vehicle number
and pay using Debit or Credit cards.
Life President Malcolm Trainer
Chairman: There is also an option to pay by phone see
Treasurer: Terrie French the signs for full details. The ticket
Secretary: Julian French machines do not take cash. The machines
COVID-19 Officer: Terri French will produce a receipt although this does
not have to be displayed.
Commi ee
Mar n Coles, Steve Nicholls, The car park does get full very quickly on
Kevin Gooch, Ric Davison, Andy weekends it would be useful for people to
Morse, Dean Wood, Phil Blundell
share lifts where possible.
Management Teams:
Cameras are used to record vehicle
First Team: Juan Mascunano numbers entering or leaving the site. If you
Assistant: Marvin Brown enter the site and decide you do not want
Coach/Physio: Ashley Morgan to pay for parking you have 15 minutes to
Reserves Manager: James Tooze leave the carpark.
Assistant: Chris King
Coach/Physio: Brian Sealy Parking on the road outside of the ground
is not recommended; the Police do give out
fines to those parked incorrectly,
particularly on Bristol Road where the road
has a cycle lane marked out.