Page 10 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 10
Suggested ICT Support Models Option 1
All ICT support services will be coordinated from the school level with ICT lead teach- ers and no additional district level coordinator support services.
Option 2
One district ICT coordinator working with lead teachers to provide support services for all staff. (Same model that the district is currently using with clearly defined ICT training expectations from the schools.)
Option 3
All ICT support services will be coordinated from the school level with ICT lead teach- ers and support staff coordinating daily lab support.
Option 4
Two district ICT coordinators one for each community working with lead teachers to provide support services for all staff. (Same model that the district is currently using with two coordinators working with clearly defined ICT training expectations from the schools.)
Option 5
One district ICT coordinator working with lead teachers to provide support services for all staff. (Same model that the district is currently using with clearly defined ICT training expectations from the schools.) Each school will also have one support staff person to be in the lab all day to assist with classes and solve minor technical prob- lems.
It seemed the skill level of both coordinator and lead teacher was not much different. I do know that the skill level of our lead teacher is at the level where she is at least one or two steps ahead of the other teachers. With proper PD she will remain at least one step ahead. Plus when she is in our school we have immediate access. It didn't seem we were getting anything extra from our coordinator.
ICT Support Concerns
Support services must be equitable for all schools.
All schools require some form of additional support.
Some schools are beyond the current coordinator skill set.
The ICT project model support does not address all the training issues that exist at each school.
Developing school specific expectations for district coordinated sup- port services.
Frequency and accessibility for support is an issue at all schools. Providing additional time for support staff or lead teachers to provide the necessary training.
Concerned about the increasing work load on lead teachers. Concerned about the budget constraints to support school specific positions.
The current coordinator position did not get fully utilized due to lack of school specific expectations.
Lakeland Catholic Schools ICT Support Model Devel- opment
The following ICT support model has been developed from the feed- back collected from the school ICT reviews and the administrative ICT meet- ing held on April 8th/2003.
“Two full time ICT support teachers providing district and school specific train- ing based on clearly defined school, district and Alberta Learning expecta- tions.”
One ICT support teacher will coordinate training services for the elementary schools (SDE, MRE and NDE) and the other ICT support teacher will coordi- nate training services for the middle and high schools (DBM, AJSH and NDH).
I think a teacher in the lead role is critical in order to really promote ICT. Most of our aides stay for a long period of time (if they are good). However an aide with good tech skills can likely find a higher paying job than being an aide. This idea has merit though......
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