Page 12 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 12
Implementing The ICT Support Model
Create elementary and high school ICT teacher support positions.
Create ICT committees at the school level to de- velop and maintain ICT/CTS scope and se-
The ICT support teacher and administration be- gin to identify staff ICT skill sets.
The ICT support teacher and administration work with teachers to develop appropriate ICT goals.
The ICT support teacher, ICT committee and ad- ministration monitor progress and develop appro- priate school specific goals for continuing ICT im-
District ICT and CTS Expectations
The following objectives represent a summary of the expectations and goals as outlined in the Technology Plan and Education Plan.
Ensuring the Alberta Learning ICT divisional outcomes are imple- mented in every school in the district as outlined in the three year Lakeland Technology Plan and Lakeland Educational Plans.
Ensuring standardized and equitable hardware and software re- quirements are in place to provide the highest level of ICT out- come implementation across the district.
Ensuring district coordinated training services are provided to assist the schools in training teachers how to implement current technologies into the existing curriculum.
Developing and planning for specialized ICT projects across the district.
The problem with the above expectations is that schools do not see ICT implementation as the only issue with regard to technology integration. ICT is currently viewed as a curriculum requirement just like any other curricu- lum requirement within the school. This may be true but based on the finan- cial commitment required to support Alberta Learning technology expecta- tions the whole process of ICT implementation and planning must be take very seriously in order to ensure the highest level of service to our students and staff. Based on the last couple years “Professional Development by Invi- tation” does not work unless there are specific expectations and guidelines in place.
The rational for reviewing the school based ICT and CTS support mod- els is to identify the key areas that need to be addressed in order to improve the implementation of technology into the existing curriculum objectives. This documentation will provide the foundation for developing school specific expectations that outline short and long term goals for ICT outcome imple- mentation.