Page 14 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 14

Third year continuing contract teachers (Implementation Level)
All third year teachers will be required to create a project model for each tech- nology project students are involved in. (This expectation is under the assump- tion the staff member can successfully and consistently implement the first and second year teacher ICT requirements.)
Clearly identifying and planning for ICT divisional outcomes in long range goal or unit plans that are reviewed and revised by the support ICT teacher and school administration.
Developing ICT implementation procedures to seamlessly integrate technology into the existing curriculum so that it is not perceived as an additional requirement in a given curriculum area.
Determine and develop the most meaningful publishing format. The audience that will be previewing the ICT project model will determine the media format in which the project is presented. This procedure will then identify the necessary software, hardware and training issues re- quired to complete the ICT project model. The whole purpose for pub- lishing the ICT project model is to celebrate and present the ICT integra- tion accomplishments of staff and students throughout the school dis- trict. The completion of such projects across the district can then be used to determine the level of ICT integration across the district.
ICT Scope and Sequence Maintenance Overview
ICT support teacher and the ICT committee members provide the guidelines
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1. Reviewing ICT Scope and Sequence.
2. Developing short and long range ICT integration plans
3. Developing Project Models
4. Publishing Project Models
Identifying the software, hardware and training requirements for the project.
ICT support teacher
and school administration provide support and monitoring of the goal setting process.
Video models
Publishing project models in order to celebrate the projects provides Telus 2Learn funding opportunities if the chosen media is web based. This also provides an assessment tool to evaluate the success of ICT at the school level.
Power Point models
Web models
Printed models
Once these areas have been successfully identified a training schedule would be put in place to ensure all third year teaching staff were provided with the necessary training opportunities to successfully implement the ICT project model.
The ideal goal would be to have all the teaching staff at Implementa- tion Level. Then each ICT support teacher assumes the responsibility for en- couraging and monitoring the professional development of 60 to 65 teachers across the district. This works out to an annual cost of
$140 000.00/122 teaching staff = $1147.50
This is a small price to pay in order to ensure quality focused professional de- velopment opportunities for all staff across the district.

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