Page 13 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 13

ICT Skill Sets
Clear expectations for teaching staff will provide the guidelines for de- termining the necessary skill set required for a given staff member. The deter- mining factor in establishing these expectations will be the number of years of teaching experiencing with in the district. We can not assume new teach- ers will come into the school district possessing all the necessary technology skill sets in order to successfully implement ICT in the classroom. This is why it is important to clear identify what is expected of first year, intermediate and continuing contract teaching staff in the area of ICT skill sets.
First year and Part Time teachers (Survival Level)
Second year teachers (Integration Level)
All second year teachers will be required to demonstrate the integration of the following hardware, software and program procedures into existing teach- ing practices: (This expectation is under the assumption the staff member can successfully and consistently implement the first year teacher ICT require- ments.) This would be an appropriate level to encourage the use of the school computer labs and resources.
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Access riculum Access Access Access work Access Access Access Access
and incorporate Internet based content into the existing cur-
the school computer lab to enhance curriculum instruction
and incorporate database software resources such as Encarta and incorporate Power Point presentations to highlight student
and incorporate digital photography into student work and incorporate digital video into student work
and incorporate the digital White Board into student work and incorporate literacy software into student work
All first year or part time teachers will be required to demonstrate the usage of the following hardware, software and program proce- dures:
Novell network file server access and file organization Novell network printing
Novell remote file access
IPP/MEP access and inputting procedures
Electronic Report Card access and inputting procedures
Kindergarten Report Card access and inputting procedures
Integrade access and inputting procedures
Class XP for attendance and demographic information access Groupwise email client access and inputting procedures
Internet access procedures and Netyz filtering guidelines (District Ac- ceptable Use Policy)
School lab usage procedures (NetOp, Network Assistant, Lab printing and student file storage procedures)
Athena library access procedures
Xerox photocopier access procedures
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Publisher
Proxima Display usage procedures
Once these areas have been successfully identified a training schedule would be put in place to ensure all first year teaching staff were provided with the necessary training opportunities to successfully implement the above skill sets.
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Once these areas have been successfully identified a training schedule would be put in place to ensure all second year teaching staff were provided with the necessary training opportunities to successfully implement the above skill sets.

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