Page 15 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 15
Each ICT committee will have a division and or grade representative who will meet three times yearly to develop and assess on going ICT scope and sequence at the school level. The ICT support teacher would then meet with these 4-6 staff members three times a year to monitor the progress at the school level.
Telus Project Funding Overview
Level A Individual Project Example $300.00
In an A level project one classroom of students create something original that is posted to a classroom web site for parents or themselves.
Level B Individual Project Example $600.00
In a B level project three separate classrooms within a school work together to create and post original student work to classroom web sites.
Level C Individual Project Example $900.00
In a C level project three separate classrooms in three separate schools work and communicate together to create and then post original student work to classroom web sites.
Under the suggested ICT support model it would be reasonable to ex- pect the ICT support teacher to coordinate and complete the necessary on- line application forms for the teachers at the various schools. The teacher would be responsible for developing and publishing the ICT project. On suc- cessful completion of the project the teacher would then receive the addi- tional funding to further enhance classroom activities. It is important to estab- lish guidelines for notifying teaching staff when the Telus funding becomes accessible at the school level and how the individual and/or groups of teach- ers can use the money to enhance existing ICT projects.
October Meeting: Review the Alberta Learning ICT divisional outcomes to identify the objectives that are currently being completed at a given grade or su bject level. Then develop action plans to address the ICT outcomes that are not being currently addressed.
The ICT support teachers would be responsible for chairing and organizing these meetings at their respective schools.
January Meeting: Review the ongoing ICT implementation success stories and identify support and training issues.
May Meeting: Summarize the ICT implementation plan and provide a progress report to the school administration and director of technology that can be used to pl an for the following school year.
The key component of assessing the ongoing development and imple- mentation of ICT is determined by how the teacher and student work, is pub- lished. The IPC has encouraged the development of web pages to present the ICT projects. Publishing in this format provides a very visual means to evaluate the progress of ICT within the school. This method of evaluation also provides the opportunity for Telus 2Learn funding. Regardless of the publishing format used for ICT projects, evaluation is a key component the ICT committees and school administration must take into account in order to assess what is being accomplished at any given point in time. Refer to the next page for a Telus project funding overview.