Page 17 - Technology Plan ICT Review
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Developing and Maintaining Software and Hardware Inventory Summaries
Up to date inventories of school specific software and hardware is important in determining what tools are required for ICT implementation. Lead teach- ers, ICT committees and school administration need to be aware of the equip- ment and software schools currently have and to what extent it is currently being utilized. This information is necessary in developing plans and expecta- tions for future ICT projects. Refer to AJSH ICT/CTS equipment and software inventory.
Developing School Based Training Schedules
Once the skill acquisition and training expectations have been established then a training schedule will be developed to identify the key training periods. This schedule will also clearly indicate who is receiving the training and who is responsible for the training process. As a result of the lead teacher evalua- tion process all schools will have school specific resource binders that clearly outline all the necessary training materials. These training resources have also been made available in the following areas:
Lead Teacher Online Web Help Desk
Campus Crossing ICT Support Resource Area School Servers
ICT Coordinator Web Site
Gallery 2.1 Visionary Leadership
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Reference: The ICT Support Manual Resources
The board members, senior administration and principals supported and recognized the need for the ICT Support Teacher positions across the school district.
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