Page 135 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 135
Productivity con’t
P. 4.4.3
use integrated software effectively and efficiently to reproduce work that incorporates data, graphics and text
My Life in Lyrics
Politics and Govern ment
Narra- tive Prose Crea- tion
Novel Presen- tation
Students will navigate and create hyperlinked resources.
Gr 10
Gr 11
Gr 12
Eng 10
Math 10
Sci 10
Soc 10
Eng 11
Sci 11
Soc 11
Math 11
Eng 12
Soc 12
Rel 12
Math 12
Sci 12
P. 5.4.1
create multiple- link documents appropriate to the content of a particular topic
Industriali -zation
P. 5.4.2
post multiple- link pages on the World Wide Web or on a local or wide are network
Industriali -zation
Students will use communication technology to interact with others.
Gr 10
Gr 11
Gr 12
Eng 10
Math 10
Sci 10
Soc 10
Eng 11
Sci 11
Soc 11
Math 11
Eng 12
Soc 12
Rel 12
Math 12
Sci 12
P. 6.4.1
select and use the appropriate technologies to communication effectively with a targeted audience
Productivity con’t
select and use, independe ntly, multimedi a capabilitie s for presentati ons in various subject areas
My Life in Lyrics
Novel Presen- tation
support communic ation with appropriat e images, sounds and music
My Life in Lyrics
Novel Presen- tation
apply general principles of graphic layout and design to a document in process
My Life in Lyrics
Narra- tive Prose Crea- tion
Novel Presen- tation
Students will integrate various applicatio ns.
Gr 10
Gr 11
Gr 12
Eng 10
Math 10
Sci 10
Soc 10
Eng 11
Sci 11
Soc 11
Math 11
Eng 12
Soc 12
Rel 12
Math 12
Sci 12
integrate a variety of visual and audio informatio n into a document to create a message targeted for a specific audience
My Life in Lyrics
Narra- tive Prose Crea- tion
Novel Presen- tation
apply principles of graphic design to enhance meaning and audience appeal
My Life in Lyrics
Narra- tive Prose Crea- tion
Novel Presen- tation