Page 137 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 137
D. Retrieve data in graphics, video and audio format from the electronic network
Access and operate multimedia applications (play video or sound) and technologies from stand-alone and online sources (C.1.3.3).
E. Evaluate Sources
Evaluate the authority and reliability of electronic sources (C.3.3.1).
Evaluate the relevance of electronically accessed information to a particular
topic (C.3.3.2).
F. Organize data using concept maps, spreadsheets or tables
Assemble and organize different viewpoints in order to assess their validity (C.2.3.2).
Develop a process to manage volumes of information that can be made available through electronic sources (C.4.3.2)
G. Apply information technologies as required by the content, purpose and audience
Communicate in a persuasive and engaging manner, through appropriate forms, such as speeches, letters, reports and multimedia presentations, applying information technologies for content, audience and purpose (C.1.3.6).
H. Synthesize collected information from the research
Identify patterns in organized information (C.7.3.1)
Make connections among related, organized data and assemble various pieces
into a unified message. (C.7.3.2)
I. Reference Sources
Cite sources when using copyright and/or pubic domain material (F.3.3.4).
Download and transmit only materials that comply with the established network
use policies and practices (F.3.3.6) Media Literacy Skills
Evaluate the reliability of electronic sources
Evaluate the authority and reliability of electronic sources (C.3.3.1)
Evaluate the relevance of electronically accessed information to a particular
topic (C.3.3.2).
Practice a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology
Use time and resources on the network wisely (F.3.3.1).
English Language Arts 7 Assumption Junior Senior High Page 4
Explain the issues involved in balancing the right to access information with the right to personal privacy (F.3.3.2).
Understand the need for copyright legislation (F.3.3.3).
Cite sources when using copyright and/ or public domain material (F.3.3.4).
Download and transmit only materials that comply with the established network use policies and practices (F.3.3.5)
Model and assume personal responsibility for ethical behavior and attitudes and acceptable use of information technologies and sources in local and global contexts. (F.3.3.6)
Word Processing Skills
Use style sheets and the advanced word processing techniques
Design a document using style sheets and with attention to page layout, that incorporates advanced word processing techniques, including headers, footers, margins, columns, table of contents, bibliography and index (P.1.3.1)
Revise text documents based on feedback from others. (use of Ms Word’s editing features) (P.1.3.3)
Use the advanced menu features
Use advanced word processing menu features to accomplish a task: for example, insert a table, graph or text from another document. (P.1.3.2)
Presentation Skills
Communicate through multimedia
Create multimedia presentations that take into account audiences of diverse size, age, gender, ethnicity and geographic location. (P.3.3.1)
Create multimedia presentations that incorporate meaningful graphics, audio, video and text gathered from remote sources (P.3.3.2)
Emphasize information using text and color (P.4.3.3) Internet Skills
demonstrateproficientuseofvariousinformationretrievaltechnologies (P.5.3.2)
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