Page 136 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 136
ICT Scope and Sequence Assumption Junior High
Lakeland Catholic Board of Education Technology Services
English Language Arts 7 English Language Arts 7
Knowledge Skills
Understand the nature of technology
Apply terminology appropriate to the technologies being used (F.1.3.3)
Demonstrate an understanding that information can be transmitted through a
variety of media (F.1.3.1) Operating Skills
Operate various information and communication technologies.
Connect and use audio, video and digital equipment (F.6.3.1).
Perform routine data maintenance and management of personal files (F.6.3.2).
Demonstrate the ability to control devices electronically (F.6.3.4).
Navigate the internet with appropriate software (Internet Explorer, Safari) (P.5.3.2)
Access, share, download or upload digital files in the internet or school network.
Demonstrate proficiency in accessing local area network, wide area network and Internet services, including uploading and downloading text, image, audio and video files. (P.6.3.2)
Internet Skills
Access and retrieve information through the electronic network (C.1.3.4) Research Skills
A. Plan the research
Create a plan for an inquiry that include consideration of time management (C.4.3.1)
Identify the appropriate materials and tools to use in order to accomplish a plan of action. (C.6.3.2)
B. Find sources for information
Plan and conduct a search, using a wide variety of electronic sources. (C.1.3.1) C. Select and use appropriate search strategies
Refine searches to limit sources to a manageable number. (C.1.3.2)
English Language Arts 7 Assumption Junior Senior High Page 3
English Language Arts 7 Assumption Junior Senior High Page 1