Page 190 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 190

MacKenzie River Elementary School
Students and staff will utilize information technology effectively to support learning and teaching.
4.2 Teachers will teach using technology supports such as: Video camera, proxima, digital camera, laptop computer, internet, word, excel, PowerPoint, and other software. done via model lessons from the coordinator and then planning with the coordinator
4.3 Teachers will be timetabled to work with the coordinator on a regular basis throughout the year.
4.4 Teachers will create and update web pages for their classrooms to promote student ICT projects.
4.5 In-service, planning and collaborative planning time will be facilitated by the technology support teacher to help teachers teach and use ICT curriculum and technology. 4.6 Electronic Communication with parents will be made available using e-mail or Campus Crossing.
4.7 Purchase Adobe Acrobat writer to enhance communication with parents.
This will be
Progress and Accomplishments To Date
o 100% of teachers submitted an ICT Long Range Plan to the office by the end of October
o ICT Support Teacher reports that the data base is not ready to have input as yet.
o 86 % of students reported that they are learning how to use computers at school (1% Decrease)
o 100% of classroom teachers have requested help from ICT Support Teacher.
o The ICT Support Teacher spent an average of 10 sessions with each teacher
o Our focus was to implement ICT curriculum in the classroom.
o Staff did not see web pages as a priority. Proxima use and Video Camera, “I Movie” Production were tools used to achieve the ICT implementation.
o 83% of classroom teachers have worked towards video creation. This includes a PowerPoint introduction, manipulation of the camera, planning with Story boards, capturing
clips, Imovie production and sharing of final product.
o 50% of classroom teachers have created a lesson to use Power Point as a teaching tool
o Information on Mackenzie School is posted on Campus Crossing in PDF format in the form of Newsletters, Monthly Calendar of Events, Moral Intelligence Information,
Upcoming Events, Past Events and New Mackenzie Song
o Parents have been advised of how to access and subscribe to campus crossing in school newsletters
o We currently have 8 parents registered as subscribers to Campus Crossing
o Adobe Acrobat writer was purchased and has been loaded onto the office and library computers (5) at a cost of $150.00 each. o 38 PDF files have been placed on Campus Crossing.

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