Page 189 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 189
Saint Dominic Elementary School
Students and staff will utilize information technology effectively to support learning and teaching.
.1 Develop a scope and sequence for K – 6 for ICT curricular outcomes. Focus on keyboarding skills at the start of the year and regularly throughout the year.
.2 Every teacher is to develop a technology growth plan for the year. PD will then have a more individual focus.
.3 Mini PD lessons after school (i.e. how to use a digital camera).
.4 Integration of ICT outcomes into all units developed during PLC’s
.5 Inclusion of ICT outcomes in year plans.
4.6 Inclusion of ICT outcomes during each reporting period.
Progress and Accomplishments To Date
o Committee is supposed to meet in the new year.
o The scope and sequence in developed and ready for implementation in the Fall.
o 96% of teachers are working on technology growth plans. All teachers with technology growth plans
completed their plans.
o Benoit offers mini lessons for those who are interested on a weekly basis.
o PLC’s on hold at the present time.
o 100% of teachers had ICT outcomes included in their year plans.
o 100% of classroom teachers had ICT outcomes during their first reporting period, second and last.