Page 188 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 188

Ecole Notre Dame High
Students and staff will utilize information technology effectively to support learning and teaching.
o utilize the ICT Lead Teacher to keep technology in the forefront of teachers’ minds.
o schedule PD for new staff and refresher sessions for veteran staff regarding common software (classxp, integrade, IPP...) o identify the continuity of projects in the various grades
o Implement ICT into all core classes monthly updates on technology software
o all teachers will generate and upkeep their own website
o ICT projects will be identified in course outlines
Progress and Accomplishments To Date
o Although the Lead Teacher position is no longer a formal position, Arlette continues to work with teachers in the area of technology. She is currently working to ensure teachers have the skills necessary to utilize video editing with their classes. As well, Jojo has met with each teacher to discuss their specific needs as it relates to technology.
o Jojo made herself available to teachers throughout the year. She kept ICT in the forefront by working with a small committee and gathering ICT projects from teachers as part of the second semester course outlines. The teachers have identified some specific PD needs as it relates to the ICT curriculum and these needs will be addressed next year.
o There have been sessions scheduled for all teachers regarding the IPP Program and the Students Achieve Program. A second session was scheduled right before report cards.
o Jojo made herself available to teachers to help them with Students Achieve. Most staff members are comfortable with the basics of entering marks, completing report cards and taking attendance. However, the program is capable of much more and next year the staff will be introduced to some of the other features of the program.
o Jojo has been working with teachers to identify the projects they are currently working with and the ones they would like to initiate. Three teachers have agreed to work with Jojo on the ICT component of the school however, no formal meeting has been taken place as of yet.
o A document was created which highlighted the ICT outcomes addressed in the projects currently being used. The staff now see where the needs are and will work on developing projects to address the needs. The document also shows which subjects are using ICT projects and this will hopefully provide an visual cue for teachers becoming aware of the areas requiring projects to achieve certain outcomes.
o Most of the updates have been completed for the Students Achieve Program. There was a session schedule for December but it was postponed.
o Teachers have had a brief introduction to Campus Crossing and there seems to be an interest. The monthly updates did not happen as anticipated but teachers were
kept involved in technology through meetings with Jojo.
o The development of websites took a back seat to ICT Curriculum alignment. Some of the teachers did work with Jojo on their websites but not all staff. Those teachers who do have their websites running have shared best practices and benefits with other staff.
o Course outlines including ICT outcomes were in development the first semester.
o ICT projects were identified in the second semester and they used the ICT overview document to address key areas of the curriculum.

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