Page 187 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 187
Ecole Notre Dame Elementary School
Students and staff will utilize information technology effectively to support learning and teaching.
4.1 Each grade level will choose a technology project and include it in their long-range plan. 4.2 Each teacher will post one set of student work on the website.
4.3 Henri will provide some lunch and after school professional development to staff, in addition to giving on the spot assistance.
4.4 Henri will assist staff in the use of classroom computers for student workstations.
4.5 Teachers will present to parents at the P/T/S conferences, examples of student work or will do on site displays.
4.6 Teachers will be given an update on how to use Wiggle works and Logimots.
4.7 Teachers will learn to use other technology, i.e.: digital camera, video camera View Sonic and Smartboard.
4.8 Henri will explore the possibility of adding more drops in each classroom.
4.10 The Telus funds did not come through because of improper follow through. The money however was spent on teacher development and purchase of printers for kindergarten. Proxima, DVDs, and CDs.
4.11 Students in grades 3 and 4 did go to the lab at least twice a week.
Progress and Accomplishments To Date
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The projects have been identified. Some have started.
In kindergarten, a PowerPoint presentation was prepared and put on the website. Students’ voices are used. In grade one, projects using Appleworks draw and paint programs, grade two, charts, grade three, Powerpoint projects, grade four, PowerPoint projects,
The tech committee met twice and chose the learner outcomes for each grade level. The scope and sequence has been done.
We have posted the video of the Way of the Cross on the website. It was also aired on the local cable station. Benoit presented the new IPP format to all staff as well as the Help Desk, September 16.
Benoit gave several short inservices including how to use the Smartboard and the Imovie program.
Henri presented a session on Appleworks –Database. Books have been prepared for Kindergarten.
Grade three classes made recipe books that they sent home.
Grade 2, 3,4 have done researches using the internet.
Grade 4-M and 4-R presented PowerPoint presentations to the parents at the November conferences.
Grade 1-R presented their PowerPoint projects to their parents at the P/T/S conference. We did not get this session in.
The Smart board has been installed and is being used by Kim, Vince, Henri, Viv, Kim and Cherise Benoit inserviced several staff on the use of the Smartboard.
We have the option of more computers being networked in each classroom.
The art room is now set up with the older Macs.
The Telus funds did not come through because of improper follow through. The money however was spent on
teacher development and purchase of printers for kindergarten. Proxima, DVDs, and CDs. Students in grades 3 and 4 did go to the lab at least twice a week.