Page 185 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 185
Assumption Jr. / Sr. High School
Students and staff will utilize information technology effectively to support learning and teaching.
Continue to support staff and student use of technology to facilitate teaching and learning by:
4.2.1 Using project design to identify specific curriculum outcomes;
4.2.2 Integrating ICT outcomes into teachers’ long range and unit plans.
All teachers will work with the new high school tech support person to develop units and lessons to integrate technology in all subject areas.
All teachers will utilize Students Achieve to track attendance and marks and to communicate with parents and students.
.5.1All teachers will receive training to implement students achieve.
Progress and Accomplishments To Date
o Scope & sequence for ICT development is complete and presented to all staff.
o Nearly all teachers have ICT goals in long range plans. All teachers have met with Jojo to
discuss progress toward outcomes, and deliver inservice needs.
o Several teachers have worked with Jojo to develop units and all others will work with her in the new year.
o 6 teachers have developed projects & received Telus funding. o 14 staff members have developed school web pages
o 22 teachers have designed and implemented ICT projects
o 135 students were involved in video editing projects.
o All teachers are using SAS and recent feedback has been quite positive, as we continue to improve the software and work the bugs out of it.