Page 183 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 183
What are your recommendations for improving ICT implementation throughout your school?
•The ICT Elementary Support Teacher needs to assist and work with teachers in or- der for progress to be made.
What are your recommendations for improving technology support services at your school?
•Help desk is great, the techs do a fine job, turn around time is good, they check with secretaries, librarian, and our ICT Support Teacher, and they’re very compe- tent we’re very pleased.
•I think that our school is ready for a site-based person.
•Make our resource people a part of our PLC’s. Utilize technology to solve problems
rather than simply introducing technology Slow down, give teachers time to learn and practice tech skills. Focus on one initiative at a time. Make sure every- one knows it before it is implemented. Sometimes it seems like we are servants to the paper blizzard beaurocracy rather than our resource people serving us.
•I am very pleased with the technology support we have been receiving. The ICT Support Teacher has been very flexible and willing to work with teachers at their convenience. LaVerne has been exceptional in helping myself and the secretar- ies overcome the obstacles we have encountered and she has been fantastic at getting students achieve to match what we want/need. John and Barry have been quick to respond to needs and to keep our computers up and running. At this time, I have no recommendations for improvement.
•We need to have a plan that all administration, teachers, ICT Support Teacher and the Director of Technology are comfortable with. The Director of Technology and ICT Support Teacher must be present in the schools regularly to observe teaching and give their feedback and expertise on what they see happening. We definitely need outside support. The ICT Support Teacher position needs to be maintained, as it is currently to give us at least three more years to see the fruits of the labour.
•I’m not sure- I need to be in “the Know” a little more...but I will take the blame for that.
•We are still working on our ICT goals for next year. cific outcomes at each level will really help.
Having determined the spe-
•Ensure all teachers know the scope and sequence. Link all ICT outcomes to course outlines and long range plans. Eventually we would have Projects in data based.
•More PD time needs to be devoted to helping teachers better understand the ICT curriculum and how it fits into their existing subject curriculum. More PD time needs to be devoted to increasing the teachers’ skills and comfort level with tech- nology. More PD time needs to be devoted to helping teachers develop quality projects for each of their courses. ...having said that, I need more PD time!
•Ensure the effective use of ICT Support Teacher. Planning by administration and ICT Support Teacher to ensure that this position interacts with all teachers regu- larly. Also we need active participation of the Mackenzie School ICT Technol- ogy committee members. We need to make conscience efforts to ensure all PD opportunities are encouraged.
•A more consistent PD plan, two individual meetings with ICT Support Teacher, a more active ICT committee led by ICT Support Teacher.