Page 181 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 181
Which of the above two evergreen plans could be sustained by the school based budget?
•No workstations are planned at this time. Space is a big issue. We would prefer to have an iBook lab on wheels that can be used by classrooms and for the Read Naturally program.
•It’s really all the same money isn’t it? Whether you take it off the top before or we take it from the school at the time. It is all instructional dollars.
•Probably neither, but if we were generating enough CTS CEU’s we could consider sharing some costs. I think this is an item that should be budgeted for in pooled resources.
•Truthfully, none
•I would prefer to take the direction from central office at this point. I don’t believe
it would serve the district well if individual schools had to decide within their
budget to/or not to update their labs.
•Neither. But if we knew about it now and we had an estimate for the cost we could
plan for this. It should be a pooled resource and each school is upgraded on the three year rotation. The money should come from a budgeted central pool. OR tell us that we must save ($X per year) to be able to cover the cost of the ever- greening.
Is your school planning to integrate workstations into the classroom? If so, what steps have to be taken in order to ensure effective implementation of such a program?
•We took the old ones and put them in the classroom. There are three in the class- rooms now. Some are utilized. (I understand from staff that installing/ setting them up hasn’t been a priority. Some teachers are dissatisfied that this hasn’t been done yet.)
•Money would have to be set aside each year and carried over. I would prefer if the money was taken right out of my budget at the beginning of the year and placed in an account to be used at the time of evergreening. I prefer that the district be responsible for both and that the money comes out of the pool before it is divided up between the schools.
•Most rooms already have 1 or 2 workstations. We may consider a wireless mobile lab. Otherwise we need to consider the number of drops in each room. Our new rooms already are capable of handling more workstations
•Not in the near future. We are not utilizing the current computers to their full ex- tent so there is no need to bring in more.
•This has not been planned as yet. We need some direction on how this could be done successfully. Odette and Will have discussed how this could be done, but the staff have not been addressed on this. We would be happy to hear some mod- els and suggestions.