Page 180 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 180
How many years are required to evergreen student lab workstations at your school?
•We should be good for many years. We should save up for next five years in order to be ready then.
•I would like to see student stations evergreened every 3 – 4 years. It will depend on our needs and the requirements of any programs that we bring in.
•Three or four years max
•About 3 years
•Again, I feel the director of technology is in a better position to analyze at work
point computer need to be replaced to best serve the school
•A minimum every three years. We feel two schools per year. This assumes that
maintenance is maintained at current levels
Who is going to establish the criteria for evergreening the staff and student workstations?
•It depends on staff’s immediate needs, some will need to be replaced because of incidentals and situations which are unavoidable. The admin with central should be making these decisions. A school committee could do a long-term plan.
•Money should be put aside every year until the need is decided. Decision to re- place the lab could be done in cooperation with Glen and school committee. A district committee should overview the district picture.
•It would be preferable that the school evergreen staff computers.
•Tech director in consultation with principals and school tech committee
•The staff skills based on the new programs/equipment they need to work with. •The director of technology should develop and implement this plan.