Page 182 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 182
What steps would have to be taken to ensure the appropriate budgeting deci- sions were maintained for school based evergreen plans?
•Central office and admin has to oversee this.
•I would like to see teachers move from where they are to a more advanced under-
standing and use of the computers. In three years I would like all my staff to have the necessary skills to implement the scope and sequence and I would like to see that scope and sequence implemented fully.
•Costs, and what things we would have to cut or how can we generate more revenue. At the present time we could not handle it.
•A pool of money would need to be set aside each year in order to have enough when the time came. However, I do not have any extra money to put aside.
•We need to be informed of the $’s needed to upgrade on the three year cycle. Each school needs to be totally committed to this. This is why we believe that this should be centrally controlled. This way all schools will be upgrade equally. And no one would have less because they did not budget properly.
•This has been your decision to make and you are in the best position to make the best choices for our district.
What is your vision for your school’s use of technology over the next three years?
•More professional development, more use of software, we need to know how to use what we have. We have enough new stuff. Give teachers time to get in depth into it.
•We’re working on our action plan now. It includes continued use albeit at a k-4 leve1, integration will fit this age and grade level.
•We are not ready yet to let go of Benoit. Once we have the scope and sequence un- der our belt for a year, I can see that we may not need him as much the following year. I hope that we get to a place as a staff where we will not need Benoit any- more. We will always need some level of support (either in the school or from the district) for new teachers.
•More technology in the Building construction lab. Higher quality computers in every classroom. (Minimum of two) TV’s in the halls to scroll messages to stu- dents. Teachers should have the capability to burn CD’s and view DVD’s. With SuperNet we will need more memory to store the videos that are used often, and a simple way to create our own instructional videos. Students and staff should increase their video editing skills. Teachers will begin to use videoconferencing. We should be surveying teachers and prioress needs, and then plan inservice to train them. Key people should be attending major tech conferences to keep abreast of new technology
•To identify and develop ICT projects that will enhance learning and meet the ICT curriculum. At this time, we do not fully utilize the equipment we currently have so more time needs to be spent on increasing the teachers’ skills.
•Every teacher should be comfortable in mastery of ICT outcomes for their grade. A proxima in each classroom. Training to ensure each teacher makes use of this equipment. Possible introduction of SMARTBOARDS
•That we have developed a scope and sequence in place for ICT grade 5-8. A contin- ued plan for supporting new teachers and assisting the experienced teachers to continue growing and learning in technology. Continue integrating new technol- ogy and expand our use of Student Achieve.