Page 186 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 186
Ecole Dr. Bernard Brosseau School
Students and staff will utilize information technology effectively to support learning and teaching.
1. Teachers will identify the ICT outcomes in their long range plans.
a. Create opportunities that will allow all teachers to meet one on one or in small groups to
create ICT projects.
2. Create ICT committees at the school level to develop and maintain ICT/CTS scope and
sequence for grade 5 to 8.
a. The ICT support teacher and administration begin to identify staff ICT skill sets.
b. The ICT support teacher and administration work with teachers to develop appropriate
ICT goals.
c. The ICT support teacher, ICT committee and administration monitor progress and
develop appropriate school specific goals for continuing ICT implementation.
3. Each teacher to maintain classroom website. Suggested topics/updateable/buttons/info:
celebrate student work, communication with parent, presentation of critical info, and collaboration with the other classes in school/district/world. (Post telus website)
a. Offer 20 minute in services based on staff need.
b. Each teacher will email homework to Diane to be put on the web site daily.
c. Create an ICT resource shared folder for teachers to access and post developed ICT
Progress and Accomplishments To Date
o All teachers have identified ICT outcomes in long range plans.
o Some teachers have met and collaboratively designed ICT projects.
o Some have also included in their growth plans this year.
o ICT outcomes complete.
o All teachers have submitted ICT plans to Jo Jo.
o 88% of teachers are satisfied with the district resources and programs offered to help integrate
technology into teaching and learning – a 12 % decrease from 2003.
o A committee is in place. Jo Jo will be meeting with the committee in January to begin developing the scope and sequence.
o One meeting held in February to begin identifying scope and sequence. Complete-Dec. 5
o All teachers have met with Jo Jo to discuss their ICT plans and areas where they will need her
o Jo Jo and Margaret have been providing ongoing support to the staff. 88% of teachers are
satisfied with their level of skill with computer technology- a 1% decrease from last year. o Jo Jo and I continue to meet to discuss progress and ICT goals.
o We have updated our school website. Classroom websites have been addressed with Jo Jo.
Many teachers have expressed that having Students Achieve available and updated for parents
and students to access replaces the need for individual websites.
o Further inservicing has been in place for student achieve. Interim Reports have provided timely
progress to parents.
o Jo Jo provides 20 minute morning meetings and is given time at staff meetings. o 3.2 is replaced by SAS. Complete
o Many teachers have shared their ICT projects and are posting them on the shared drive. We will create an ICT resource under the shared drive with Jo Jo’s assistance.
o All teachers have submitted a minimum of 1 project to be shared.