Page 43 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 43

How teachers rate their access to computers, technology support, skills and profes- sional development
•Results show an overall improvement in teachers’ satisfaction rate with technology support, access and training.
•Throughout the year, DBE had an average of one (1) technology in-service per month. This involved training in the various features of Students Achieve, Groupwise, Mac OS X, Typing Tutor, network operations, etc.
•One-on-one training sessions were constantly offered to and availed of by staff. This year I was able to meet every staff member for at least one individual training ses- sion (at least once in Students Achieve) and to discuss and render advice on their technology integrated projects.
•I also gave at least one individual training session covering a specific application with 14 out of the 17 staff members.
•Staff training and in-services are routinely planned by both the ICT support teacher and the principal. The school’s lead technology coordinator also lends valuable support by helping out during the in-service.
•This process of collaboration has proven extremely beneficial to all parties, giving proper emphasis on technology training and support in DBE. While the satisfaction rate of teachers in their level of technology skills is the same this year as the last, one cannot ignore the need to encourage further development of teachers’ technol- ogy skills.
Recommendations for DrB
•A skill set progression specific to each software application in DBE must be produced for Divisions 3 and 4. This skill set should assign specific application features for each grade level. For teachers, the assignment of software skills will identify their responsibilities in introducing or reinforcing the use of a particular application as well as prompt them to avail of training for skills appropriate for his/her own grade level. For students, the skill set will ensure that they receive constant training in computer technology while working on tasks that are within their skill levels.
•Teachers should be encouraged to avail of training on the operation of available tech- nology and use them in their classrooms as a tool for learning.
•Moreover, PLC meetings should cover topics on the application of technology to the curriculum. This will help change for the better our teachers’ attitudes and percep- tions on the use of computer technology for instruction.
•Teachers should be encouraged to participate in the planning of their professional development.
•Professional development on district software applications like Campus Crossing should be offered to support PLC initiatives and to keep teachers informed and involved with developments within the district.
An active ICT committee will spearhead all technology-related initiatives in the school. Its tasks will include development of the application skill set that will facili- tate technology in-services.
Teachers should expand on the use of Students Achieve as a communication tool between home and school through features like the mass e-mail and rubric. This will keep parents involved and boosts the school’s image as a proactive and innova- tive user of technology. Whenever appropriate, interested parents can be offered an in-service on how to use SA and thus encourage its use at both ends.

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