Page 81 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 81

Section 1
Computer Lab Procedures
Computer Lab
Lakeland Catholic Board of Education Technology Services
Benoit Côté
June 23, 2004
Getting Started
1- Assign a workstation to every student
- This will help you to organize your class
- This will prevent misbehaving
- This will help you and the administration find who are damaging
the workstation
- This will help you to find files and folders of students
You can find the Computer Lab Seating Chart of your School in the annex.
2- Usernames and passwords
- The first letter of the first name and the complete last name forms all usernames. Some usernames include first letter of the middle name if there is more than one user with the same first name and last name.
- Create flashcard including student username and password. This will help students with log in and saving procedures.
- You need to have a class list of all usernames and passwords. This will help you if a student forgets their password and username.
3- Computer Lab Rules
- You work in silence at your workstation unless you are helping or being helped
- You ask permission to be dismissed from your workstation
- You put up your hand to ask a question and you wait in silence for
your turn to talk
- If your are in silence this means your are on task and if you talk to
your direct neighbors this means you are asking for help or you
are helping
- You can help and talk to your direct neighbors (at your right and at
your left)

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