Page 95 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 95

Section 4
Keyboard Rubric
Keyboarding Rubric 4321
4 Always
Most of the time
Some of the time
1 Seldom
Body centered in front of the keys, back is straight, feet flat on the floor
Hand position:
Keeps wrists straight and fingers over the home keys at all times
Eyes on the copy:
Keeps eyes on the copy (book) while typing; rarely looks down at the keys
Typing Rhythm:
Keeps a steady pace while typing, not much stopping or pausing between letters or words
Eyes Wrists Fingers
Body Posture
Arm and hand position
Eyes always on copy or screen Always above spacebar Always use proper fingers
Always sits up straight with feet on the floor
1. Spine straight, against back of chair, leaning slightly forward from the waist 2. Centered in front of keyboard (Letter B) 3. Sitting comfortable distance from keyboard 4. Feet on the floor, slightly apart for body balance
Arms relaxed, elbows naturally close to body 2. Forearms nearly parallel with slope of keyboard 3. Fingers curved, tips of fingers resting lightly on keys 4. Hands close enough together to lock thumbs. Fingers upright, not leaning toward little fingers. 5. Hands and wrists quite almost motionless 6. Wrists low, but palms of hands not resting on the keyboard
Occasionally looks at keys Occasionally rests on table Occasionally uses proper fingers Occasionally sits up straight with feet on the floor
Frequently looks at keys Frequently rests on table Frequently use incorrect fingers
Always looks at key Always rests on table Always uses incorrect fingers
Often slouchesAlways
with feet wrapped around chair
slouches and feet are rarely on the floor

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