Page 97 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 97
Section 6
Keyboard Rubric
Collaborative Work Skills : Keyboarding Technique Elementary Keyboarding Skills
Focus on the task
Consistently stays focused on the lesson and what needs to be done. Very self-directed.
Focuses on the lesson and what needs to be done most of the time.
Focuses on the lesson and what needs to be done some of the time.
Never is publicly critical of the program or the work of others. Always has a positive attitude about learning to keyboard.
Rarely is publicly critical of the project or the work of others. Often has a positive attitude about learning to keyboard.
Occasionally is publicly critical of the programor the work of other members of the class. Usually has a positive attitude about learning to keyboard.
Keyboarding Skills
All four keystroking criteria is followed: 1. Type home row words with correct fingering position 2. Use correct finger reaches from home row to top/ bottom 3. Type without looking at keys 4. Practice keying exercises with appropriate guidelines
3 out of 4 keystroking criteria is followed: 1. Type home row words with correct fingering position 2. Use correct finger reaches from home row to top/bottom 3. Type without looking at keys 4. Practice keying exercises with appropriate guidelines
Less than 3 keyboarding criteria is followed: 1. Type home row words with correct fingering position 2. Use correct finger reaches from home row to top/bottom 3. Type without looking at keys 4. Practice keying exercises with appropriate guidelines
Always demonstrates proper technique.
Occasionally demonstrates proper technique.
Does not use proper technique.
Exceeds grade level expectations by the end of the quarter.
Meets grade level expectations by the end of the quarter.
Below grade level expectations by the end of the quarter.
Achieves 90% accuracy by the end of the quarter.
Achieves 80-90% accuracy by the end of the quarter.
Accuray is less than 80% by the end of the quarter.
Time Management
Routinely uses time well.
Usually uses time well.
Inefficient use of time.
Body Posture
All four body posture criteria should be met for full credit: 1. Spine straight, against back of chair, leaning slightly forward from the waist 2. Centered in front of keyboard 3. Sitting comfortable distance from keyboard 4. Feet on the floor, slightly apart for body balance
Three of the four body posture criteria should be met for credit: 1. Spine straight, against back of chair, leaning slightly forward from the waist 2. Centered in front of keyboard 3. Sitting comfortable distance from keyboard 4. Feet on the floor, slightly apart for body balance
Two of the four body posture criteria should be met for credit: 1. Spine straight, against back of chair, leaning slightly forward from the waist 2. Centered in front of keyboard 3. Sitting comfortable distance from keyboard 4. Feet on the floor, slightly apart for body balance
One or less of the four body posture criteria should be met for credit: 1. Spine straight, against back of chair, leaning slightly forward from the waist 2. Centered in front of keyboard 3. Sitting comfortable distance from keyboard 4. Feet on the floor, slightly apart for body balance
Arm and hand position
Five or more of the six arm and hand position criteria should be met to receive this credit: 1. Arms relaxed, elbows naturally close to body 2. Forearms nearly parallel with slope of keyboard 3. Fingers curved, tips of fingers resting lightly on keys 4. Hands close enough together to lock thumbs. Fingers upright, not leaning toward little fingers. 5. Hands and wrists quite almost motionless 6. Wrists low, but palms of hands not resting on the keyboard
Three to four of the six arm and hand position criteria should be met to receive this credit: 1. Arms relaxed, elbows naturally close to body 2. Forearms nearly parallel with slope of keyboard 3. Fingers curved, tips of fingers resting lightly on keys 4. Hands close enough together to lock thumbs. Fingers upright, not leaning toward little fingers. 5. Hands and wrists quite almost motionless 6. Wrists low, but palms of hands not resting on the keyboard
Two of the six arm and hand position criteria should be met to receive this credit: 1. Arms relaxed, elbows naturally close to body 2. Forearms nearly parallel with slope of keyboard 3. Fingers curved, tips of fingers resting lightly on keys 4. Hands close enough together to lock thumbs. Fingers upright, not leaning toward little fingers. 5. Hands and wrists quite almost motionless 6. Wrists low, but palms of hands not resting on the keyboard
One or less of the six arm and hand position criteria should be met to receive this credit: 1. Arms relaxed, elbows naturally close to body 2. Forearms nearly parallel with slope of keyboard 3. Fingers curved, tips of fingers resting lightly on keys 4. Hands close enough together to lock thumbs. Fingers upright, not leaning toward little fingers. 5. Hands and wrists quite almost motionless 6. Wrists low, but palms of hands not resting on the keyboard