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                 Research suggests many possible causes of
               anxiety, including faulty mood regulation by the
                brain, genetics, personality type, and stressful
                                  life events.
                  It's believed that there is no single cause of                ANXIETY IS NOT
                anxiety (such as missing the happy gene), and                      CAUSED BY
                sometimes several of these forces interact to
                bring on anxiety. Therefore, everyone's causes                     Weakness
                           and triggers are different.                    The inability to 'suck' it up

                      THE ENVIRONMENT                                   BRAIN CHEMISTRY

                                                                      Many people need clarification about
                         Environmental factors include any
                        stressful life events or situations, for      their cause. They feel they don't have
                                                                        "a reason" to feel that way. Some
                          example, death, trauma, or natural
                        disasters, getting sick, abuse or             people lack  substances in the brain
                                                                        (called neurotransmitters) could
                               even pollution.
                                                                            contribute to anxiety.

                       PERSONALITY TYPE                                      THOUGHTS

                         Certain personality types are more              Negative thinking patterns can,
                         at risk of developing anxiety than            over time, lead to anxiety. Experts
                        others, such as perfectionists, easily          have identified several cognitive
                        flustered, lack self-esteem, or want           distortion patterns that can cause
                              to control everything.                               anxiety.

                       ACTIONS/BEHAVIOR                                       GENETICS

                        Preferring to be alone, withdrawing,        Some research indicates that someone
                        spending too much time on social             with a first-degree relative diagnosed
                          media, or playing video games.               with anxiety could be three times
                     Being inactive or even having poor self      more likely to be diagnosed with anxiety in
                       care can all contribute to anxiety.          their lifetime compared to the general

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