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HALL            To book a room at Church please check the
        BOOKINGS               on-line calendar on the Church website.
                           If it is a Church event send details to Elizabeth
             HALL                 If it is a private booking fill in the

        BOOKINGS               Booking Form which is on the website.

                       Are you ready to pray?

                       Davina sends out a regular email with basic
                       pastoral information coupled with a request for
                       prayer for a person or situation.

                       Contact Davina to have your name added to the

                                                Weekly or two-weekly for 2/3
        Kath Savage Cleaning                      hours depending on your
         (Chris Pullen’s daughter-in-law)      requirements. Days and times
        Reliable Top quality cleaning          negotiable - reasonable rates
                                              Contact Kath on 07762 282977
        (Already cleaning for some of the        or Chris on 01929 423505
             lovely people at Church)

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