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With mercy and with judgement
                             My web of time He wove,

                            And aye, the dews of sorry
                            We’re lustred with His love,
                           I’ll bless the hand that guided;
                          I’ll bless the heart that planned
                        When throned where glory dwelleth
                                In Immanuel’s land.

             O, I am my beloved’s           The bride eyes not her garment,
            And my beloved’s mine!              But her beloved’s face;
         He brings a poor vile sinner            I will not gaze at glory
           Into His “house of wine.”            But on my king of grace.
           I stand upon His merit—            Not on the crown He giveth,
             I know no other stand,            But on His pierced hand;
        Not e’en where glory dwelleth           The Lamb is all the glory
              In Immanuel’s land.                 Of Immanuel’s land.

                                   Graham Neads
           (ED. I am pleased to say that Graham is willing to continue his series of
         reflections on hymns, from time to time, after he has moved to Harpenden)

         Swanage Linking Lives and The ‘Place of Welcome’ invite you to:-

                A Wild West Lunch

                 Accompanied by amazing music  (hopefully)
                          provided by the Hamworthy 7
                    10  September (12:00 – 3 pm)
                   at Swanage Cricket Club, BH19 1LG

                               Donations in aid of

              Swanage Linking Lives and the Place of Welcome

                           Further info and to book please contact
           Sarah Bamber:- e mail phone: 01929 423851

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