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P. 19
'Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and
will raise up the age-old foundations'
(Isaiah 58:12)
This month, please join in with us in prayer for medical staff in India, as
they seek new nurses and doctors to be called to serve in Leprosy
Mission Hospitals.
Right now, there is a staff crisis. Many dedicated leprosy nurses will soon
retire and there is no-one to replace them. Newly trained doctors often do
not stay after a placement in one of our hospitals, often because they are
all in rural locations, away from city life and on the outskirts of society.
It is much easier to build a better career and earn more in city hospitals.
But in faith we believe that if we ask, God will speak to the hearts and
minds of the right people to continue providing specialist leprosy care.
Please pray with us that God would bless plans to build a new Nursing
College at Salur Hospital in Andhra Pradesh. We are trusting that this
college will train and equip the next generation of leprosy nurses.
Pray too that young people from families affected by leprosy, like 18 year
old Chintakada, would get the grades needed to apply for a place
at this college, where their studies will be funded to help those who would
not otherwise be able to afford the course fees.
Chintakada's mother is affected by leprosy and she has grown up helping
her and accompanying her on hospital visits. During these visits, the
loving care shown towards her mother by the nurses at Salur left a lasting
impression on her.
"I have felt my mother's pain and seen how badly this society treats
leprosy patients,” Chintakada told us. “In future if I can become a nurse,
I want to change this by making people aware about this disease and
taking care of the patients with utmost love and compassion."
May our Heavenly Father meet the needs of Leprosy Mission India’s
medical teams today, and give them peace about the future of leprosy
With heartfelt blessings,