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Youth Café
During Monday and Thursday evenings, from 6-9 pm, we are using
Emmanuel Baptist Church (EBC) as a drop in café for young
people. We serve toasties and pizza, play games and chat about
anything and everything. It is a great place to connect with local
young people so get in touch with us if you’d like to be involved.
Outreach | ‘Mobile Youth Club’ & EHM
In partnership with Dorset Council Youth Workers, we are out and
about in Swanage every week to engage with young people on the
streets and inviting them along to the spaces we have set up for
them. It is also a great place to engage with young people in an
environment that is on their terms and can lead to great
conversations. If you see us out and about in Swanage, come and
say hello! The Wave is also supporting the Electronic House Music
(EHM) event during carnival week by making sure everyone has a
safe and good time.
Football Camps
Berno is helping at the summer football camps to support Swanage
and Herston FC with managing the behaviour of those attending.
Ages range from 6-13 years old, and it is a great opportunity to
meet more local young people and invite them along to other Wave
events and activities. Berno will lead sessions on four areas of
respect which has proven successful at Remix, and throughout the
camp will apply them to situations as the weeks unfold. Three
football camps will be running through the holiday, of which the first
took place on 24 - 28 July, and the following two will be on the
14 - 18 Aug and 28 Aug - 1 Sept.
SandPDT Summer Youth Clubs
Alongside running our own events, we are also supporting Su
Evans who co-leads a youth club at Herston Hall during the school
term on behalf of Swanage & Purbeck Development Trust
(SandPDT). During the summer holiday they will be running day-
time clubs and Berno and Rich will help as volunteers to establish
wider connections with the local community.