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Dear Wave Friends and
Supporters in Prayer
What a wet start to the summer holiday! If you live
locally in Purbeck or find yourself on holiday
somewhere else, I hope you enjoy the nourishing rain that keeps
the country so beautifully green and lush. A good dose of sunshine
will also be very welcome! The rain is a reminder of Isaiah 55 where
there is an invitation to come and delight in God’s riches and how
His word does not return empty, just like the rain that falls and
nourishes the earth. Here is this month’s letter to highlight what The
Wave has been up to and how you can pray for us.
15 July: Engaging with Children and Young People Event
Following Berno’s church visits earlier in the year and subsequent
report, The Wave hosted a feedback event to stimulate
conversation around how the Church in Swanage can engage with
the younger generations, as well as clarify The Wave’s role within
the local community. The event was attended by 27 people from 6
different congregations, which included The Wave’s 7 trustees.
Although attendance was poor, those who attended were deeply
engaged in discussion based on the four areas highlighted by the
report. People were divided into groups based on the congregation
they were part of, and they discussed the findings from the report
based on the context of their congregation. If you would like to know
more about the outcome of the discussions, please get in touch with
Berno at
Wave Youth Summer Activities
Our usual clubs are on a break until the new academic year starts,
however there is plenty going on over the summer period for young
people! If you know anyone who might be interested in what we are
up to, have a look at our website at
summer-events.html. Here are the details of what we will be up to
over the summer.