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Church Family Diary ~ September 2023

        Friday 1st       9.30 am  Coffee@112
        Friday 1st       2 pm       Open the Book

        Sunday 3rd       10.30 am  Joint Service with the Methodists and
                                    Salvation Army at the United Reformed
                                    Church. Leader Revd David Gynes
        Sunday 3rd       7 pm       Informal Evening Praise
        Monday 4th       2.45 pm  ‘Come and Sing’
        Friday 8th       9.30 am  Coffee@112
        Friday 8th       2 pm       Open the Book

        Sunday 10th      10.30 am  Folk Festival Service
        Tuesday 12th  2 pm          Bible Study
        Friday 15th      9.30 am  Coffee@112
        Friday 15th      2 pm       Open the Book

        Sunday 17th      10.30 am  Harvest Festival Service, Lex McKee
        Monday 18th      2.45 pm  ‘Come and Sing’

        Friday 22nd      9.30 am  Coffee@112
        Friday 22nd      2 pm       Open the Book
        Saturday 23rd  3 pm         Wedding

        Sunday 24th      10.30 am  Morning Worship, led by the Worship
                                    Preparation Group.
                                    Including Communion.
        Monday 25th      2 pm       Open the Book
        Tuesday 26th  2 pm          Bible Study

        Friday 29th      9.30 am  Coffee@112
        Friday 29th      2 pm       Open the Book

        Each week Prayers by Zoom, led by Anne and John Squires, will
        be from the Church to enable those who prefer to join in person.
        The Church will  remain open until 10 am for private prayer. If you
        would like to join in on the Zoom prayers each
        week you need the following codes:
        Meeting ID: 851 3113 5650 Passcode: G3h2i5

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