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       Garden Gatherings

       We enjoyed three lovely, well-attended, afternoons in the garden
       and one indoors admiring the garden through the windows! The
       drizzle didn’t dampen our enthusiasm though!

       The amazing team of helpers, well experienced after years of
       training, kept everyone satisfied with cream teas and cake, and
       after minimal expenses £457.60 was the final total raised!

       Thank you Shirley, Una, Ann Y, Gilly, Lyn, Donna and Lex.

        Lesley and Elizabeth

       Watch out for September Market News with details of Harvest
       Home Evening.

                                                            The Fund Raisers

       Above: Martyn and immediate past and
       current Elders in a prayer circle at his
       final service in Swanage.

       Right: A presentation from Swanage
       members at the Farewell Service on
       Sunday 6th August. Gifts included a
       voucher for a years unlimited access to
       a local soft play area, engraved vase,
       Dennis the Menace tie and a cheque.
       There was also a gift for Alex and
       Madge and Graham.

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