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We are coming to the 'Season of Mists and Mellow fruitfulness'.
Our gardens are again filled with autumn fruits and flowers as in
Keats' poem 'Ode to Autumn'. The harvest will be brought in,
lthough perhaps not as bountiful as some years. The leaves are
turning brown and crunch under our feet and, if we are lucky, we
will have days of gentle Autumn sunshine when the golden light
flickers through the bare trees. But often chill winds will blow
reminding us of the cold to come.
Autumn may also make us think of other things. There is a
melancholy in the air as the year turns towards Winter. If we think
of our life as the seasons, Spring for youth, Summer for adulthood,
then Autumn is the penultimate part of our life before Winter and
the end of our life. What can we do when we no longer have the
energy to be very active in our Christian life, when the time for
volunteering, as we used to do, is nearing its end?
Firstly we have the knowledge that God loves us, however little we
can do. St Paul said,' Nothing can separate us from the love of
God in Christ Jesus'. Secondly, prayer. I was worrying about the
climate crisis recently, specifically for the next generations, and I
was reminded by someone of the power of prayer.
Continued overleaf