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Our Vision

                       † To Worship God, Father Son and Holy Spirit

                        † To make God’s love known to all people
                     † To show God’s love by the way we lead our lives

                                             Link / Outlook

                                                   September 2023

                                          4.   Words of Hope - Davina
                   Minister:              6.   Folk Festival
            In Ministerial Transision
                                          7.   Seasons - Janet
               Mission Enabler:           8.   Wareham - Gifts to Martyn
                  Lex McKee               9.   Thursday Prayers at
                Wareham, Preachers, and

                   Swanage                     Duty Elders
                 Administrator:           10  Fund Raising and
                   Jim Farrer                  Martyn's Farewell
         11  Food Bank Update
                 01929 423691                  Copy date for October Link

                  Treasurer:                   Services via YouTube
                  Book-keeper             12  Shoebox Appeal and
                 Martin Barnett                ‘Any Questions’
       13  Photographs
                                          14  Swanage Rotas
         Hall Lettings: Elizabeth Shore       15  Swanage Diary Page
                                          16  Wave Project Report
                   Wareham                19.  Leprosy Mission
                   Secretary              20.  Wareham Diary Page
                Janet Jennings            21.  The Sands of Time
                 01929 555108             23.  Wild West Lunch
                 Hall Lettings:           24.  Women of Note
         Felicity Roberts 01929 792678    25.  Coffee@112
             Access to the church:        26.  Hall Bookings,
         Sheila Holmes 01929 552806            Ready to Pray

                  Link Editor             Photos:
           Jim Farrer - 07968 824129      Sourced from Freely Christian Clip
          Art  Canstock Clip Art Library or
                                          Church Family
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