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The Rt Rev Peter Hancock, retired Bishop of Bath and Wells,
suggested that vacancy ‘need not be a time of decline, but
tackled carefully and prayerfully a vacancy can lead to growth
and fresh vision for the future.' Vacancies need not be seen as a
problem, but as an opportunity. We as a body of people, as a
family, must take this to heart and step forward in faith keeping
Christ at our centre, being positive, prayerful and loving towards
one another.
Our Constitution gives us some clear guidelines and our mission is:
To know and to share God's love in the way we lead our lives. To
make God’s love known to all people and to show God’s love to
everyone we meet, especially to each other.
To serve and to be served in finding and feeding faith as we strive
to meet spiritual and physical needs in a manner relevant to today
and to the community of which we are part.
Our Mission statement concludes with the following:
As a Church we will only know spiritual growth and advancement if
our church life is underpinned by prayer. Therefore, let us commit
ourselves to pray continually as we go forward in faith:
Loving Father, you have welcomed each one of us in Jesus
and called us to be his body in this place. Send us your
Holy Spirit, at this time of uncertainty, to fill us with vision
and energy; make us faithful in prayer and worship, that we
may be true to our calling to bring new life to our community.
And so, we turn to you to guide us at this time of transition.
Asking for your wisdom, that we might be receptive to change,
conversion and growth. We need your grace to redirect our
hearts so we may be willing to offer ourselves in joyful service
not allowing fear, ignorance or pride to limit the
work of your spirit.
We remember before you the people we sit, work and
play alongside Sunday to Sunday – whose names you know
and whose lives you care about. People to be cared and