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prayed for as fellow members of this extraordinary family of
        God, and we ask that during this time of adjustment that you

               help us to work together, building up the church,
                   listening to each other’s doubts and fears,
                              working towards unity.
           Empower each one of us to use the gifts you have given
                us to create a worshipful and welcoming place.
            Enable us to share our thoughts openly and honestly,
                 helping us to respect the opinions of others.
              Instil in us a vision of the life you intend us to lead
              and guided by your Holy Spirit, we will be united in
                   love and joyfully accomplish this mission,
                     through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

                                 Davina Freedman

        Folk Festival Service


             10th September

                  10.30 am

                A Tribute to the Rev Wendy Fellingham who loved the

                                 Folk Fes val Service
                                  All are welcome!

                        Martyn’s Farewell Service

          A good number from all three churches attended to wish
          him well in his new pastorate  A retiring collection was
          taken up and, at Martyn’s suggestion, it was forwarded to
          Synod for the ‘Commitment for Life’ fund. Synod will
          match the total. Thank you to everyone who contributed.

          The amazing amount of £421.50 was raised, which will be
          doubled by Synod.

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