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We are able to collect your donations of any surplus equipment listed
above if you email Richard to arrange a suitable time. We cannot take
broken tools, or any with woodworm, but old metal tools can be
sharpened and surface rust removed. Please have a look at the TWAM
website for more detailed lists and discover how these items will provide
a future and transform lives in struggling African communities.
Local collector – email:- 07590 903922
Main website -
Hopefully as you spring clean or reorganise sheds and garages to
accommodate any new acquisitions, you will find plenty of items that can
be well used abroad, rather than gathering dust locally. If you know
somebody who is downsizing or moving into a flat, please pass on our
details. Keep an eye open for TWAM lists on local noticeboards. If you
would like me to give a talk to your church or a group, or provide a
temporary display, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Thank you in anticipation for your support, Judy and Richard Forgan
“Awards for All,” has given us, thanks to Richard,
funds to centre some Community Outreach around
preparing and sharing food together. It’s a chance
for us and other members of the community to
learn about cooking, healthy eating, and enjoy some insights and
secrets from our ‘Celebrity Chefs’!
It’s too early to confirm the Chinese, French, and Italian potential
guests, but we can state that the first event will launch at Noon on
20 February, running until 13.30 – and includes what you make as
lunch! We hope those who want to stay on will enjoy convivial
company at CU Chooseday.
Keep 19 March, 16 April, and 21 May pencilled in too!
Another aspect is that we have been funded to send Lex out into
the byways and highways to compel locals to come and have fun…
so, if you’ve got any suggestions of groups to speak to, do tell our
Mission Enabler.