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The Treasurer, who shall be in good standing with the Church, and have the necessary expertise and/or experience to hold office, shall
be elected to the post annually by a Church Meeting. It is recognised that the Treasurer need not necessarily be an Elder or member, but
should be available to attend any necessary meetings in an ex-officio capacity. The "Stand Down" clause of 15 above need not apply to these
17. The mode of election shall be as follows.
a) All members of the Church who have been members of the United Reformed Church (or any other
Christian Church accepted under clause 4 of this constitution) for a minimum of two years, are eligible for nomination.
All nominations must be in the hands of the Church Secretary / Administrator by a specified date which shall be
notified to all members.
b) Nominations must be in writing and signed by the proposer and seconder, who must be members of the
Church, consent of the nominee having first been obtained.
c) The election shall be by secret ballot which shall be the sole prerogative of Church Members. The Ballot
shall take place and the result declared at a specified Church Meeting. Members who are unable to be present shall
be given a Postal Ballot Paper on request from the Church Secretary / Administrator.
If the number of nominations does not exceed the number of vacancies declared, elected elders shall have
received at least two thirds of the votes cast.
If the number of nominations does exceed the number of vacancies, the required number of elders shall be
elected in order of the votes received, provided that to be elected an elder shall have received at least one half of the
votes cast.
In the latter case a second ballot may be required, arrangements for which shall be made at that Church
d) Scrutineers shall be appointed at a preceding Church Meeting, and shall be responsible for this ballot.
e) The Elders shall be able to co-opt temporary help from the Church membership as necessary, without
prejudice to clause 15 above.
18. The Minister shall be ex-officio on all committees, Church groups and organisations.
19. In the event of a vacancy in the pastorate of the Church the following procedure shall govern the conduct of the
vacancy and calling of a new Minister:
‘The church will follow the guidelines as laid down by Synod under the supervision of the appointed Interim
20. The principal officers of all Church organisations, and affiliated organisations, must be approved by the Church
Meeting, having been nominated by the organisation concerned.
The Church Meeting shall approve arrangements for the inclusion of all such organisations in the life of the church
and its decision-making and consultation processes.
The financial accounts of Church Organisations shall be submitted to the Annual General Meeting.
21. No alteration shall be made to this constitution except at an Annual General Meeting, due notice of such
proposed alteration having been given not later than the preceding Church Meeting. Any alteration shall require a two
-thirds majority of the members present and voting.
22. A copy of this constitution, together with any subsequent additions or amendments, shall be given to each
member on joining the Church.
23. The Vision of Swanage United Reformed Church is:
† To worship God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
† To make God’s love known to all people
† To show God’s love by the way we lead our lives