Page 15 - SAF-SPDT Sept 22 - Copy
P. 15


                                             Friday 30 September 7.30pm
                                           St Edwards Catholic Church Hall
                                         Rempstone Road, Swanage BH19 1AH
                                      Doors open at 7pm - Refreshments available
                                                Tickets: £4 - members £3

       The people of Purbeck are rightly proud of the highly secret work carried out in the Second World War at Britain's
       Silicon Valley - Worth and Langton Matravers, all the way to St Aldhelm's Head - and how much this helped to win the
       Battle of the Atlantic, support D-Day and the invasion of German-occupied Europe, and eventually gain the victory in
       that conflict.
       But what is the German story? Did Germany even have radar, and if they did, how did it compare with Purbeck's radars?
       Want to know more? Then do join us at our illustrated talk.

       Be prepared for a whole series of surprises as famous Cambridge researcher Dr Phil Judkins of Purbeck Radar
       Museum Trust reveals the German story of radar development; shows how German developments inflicted massive
       losses on the Allies, and came close to turning the tide of the entire war.
       Mel Norris, Chair

       Who Are We?
       We are a group of local people in our local Communities who
       experience depression or anxiety. We are not experts, but we
       know how it feels. For many people, this is still a very stressful
       time. Andformanyofus,wefeelwe stillcannotsafelymeetface-
       to-face at the moment, but that may change ...
       We find that a problem shared is a problem halved.

       To find out more please contact us - with confidence
       To get in    touch please contact Nick at    or phone    01929 439121,    or Mary at or phone her on 01929 426896
                            REMEMBER: THERE’S LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL
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