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Corfe Castle Parish Council LATEST UPDATE
You CAN make a difference…
How many times have you thought or heard someone saying, “it’s
only little old me, what difference would it make?”. If I’m honest I’ve
thought it many a time myself, but then last week I read something:
“If you think you’re too small to make a difference, you’ve
obviously never had a mosquito in your bedroom at night”. How
true this is. If you have an issue, comment, question, and you don’t
know who to talk to or ask, contact me, the Parish Clerk. If the
Parish Council can help, we will, and if we can’t, we will do our
best to help steer you in the right direction with who to contact. No
issue, comment, question is daft or too small to bother with.
Public Consultation - Gods Acre Cemetery Rules and • P/FUL/2022/01606 - Little Underhill Sandy Hill Lane
Regulations: Woolgarston.
This can be a sensitive issue, however, to ensure the safety Recommend: No Objection
of all cemetery users Corfe Castle Parish Council is Full details can be found on the Dorset Council website,
updating the current Rules and Regulations. Before we
finalise and adopt the new document, we would like your land/planning
feedback. Copies can be found on our website or by Water mains replacement works, Studland, Corfe
contacting the Clerk. Castle:
The main differences are: The dates have now been finalised for the Wessex Water
• To allow with some restrictions non-fresh mains replacement scheme to be carried. This section of
flowers. road has had a history of water leaks and the works will
• The ability for Council to remove/ dispose of rectify the history of bursts along Studland Road. As well
items not permitted. i.e., glass and pottery items as as the benefits of a new pipe being fitted, the majority of
these become brittle, get knocked over and break the pipe will be installed in adjacent fields meaning future
and can pose a danger to visitors, cemetery staff maintenance will be less disruptive to traffic.
and wild animals. The first phase of works has already commenced in the
• Detailed clarification on what is and isn’t fields to the north of B3351 Studland Road with no impact
permitted within the Cemetery. to traffic. Phase 2 of the works will install a temporary
If you wish to make comment on the new draft rules 40mph speed limit and temporary traffic signals on B3351
and regulations, please contact the Clerk on 01202 near to the junctions with Thrasher’s Lane and Meadus
670105 or email Lane. This will be in place from 5th September 2022
until 14 September 2022, the southern section of
Swanage Railway – During the Annual Parish Meeting Meadus Lane will be closed between 5th September
the issue of Diesel engines idling at Corfe Castle station 2022 until 23rd September 2022.
was raised. As promised the Council contacted the
Swanage Railway and Robert Patterson the new Chairman For the final phase of works Wessex Water will close the
for the Swanage Railway attended our meeting. Mr B3351 from the junction with the A351 to the entrance
Patterson acknowledged the problems and stated where to Dorset Adventure Park. This closure will be in place
possible they will try to move stock to areas which cause for 5 weeks between 31st October 2022 until 2nd
less disturbance. Mr Patterson stated they are very December 2022 and will run in conjunction with the
committed to becoming “Good Neighbours”. Ferry Maintenance period. The diversion route for this
closure will take traffic via A351, Ulwell Road, B3351
During the meeting, a member of the public raised the and vice versa.
issue of heath fires created by Steam trains particularly in
spells of long dry hot weather. Mr Patterson stated the Full Dorset Council consultation documents including
Railway are investigating various options, including fire maps, can be found on our website. If you wish to submit
buckets and beaters, but also will when necessary, use the any comments, email the Clerk by 1st August 2022.
diesel engines rather than steam engines.
Corfe Castle Parish Council contact details:
Planning Application & Treework Application update: Clerk – Michelle Harrington, Telephone 01202 670105,
The following applications have been received by Corfe email or
Castle Parish Council: write to 34 Egmont Road, Poole Dorset BH16 5BZ
• P/LBC/2022/03586 - 33-35 West Street, Corfe Castle. Facebook –
Recommend: No objection. Website -