Page 28 - News and Views Spring 2023
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The Loving Earth project Kate Wright
Editorial note: Due to the programmed schedule for News and Views the important exhibition described below will have
concluded before the publication date. Please note that information may be obtained from Kate Stewart or Gilll
Coleman and they would welcome enquiries.
Loving Earth Exhibition coming to Bournemouth 31 January to 24 February
We do not own the world and its riches are not ours to dispose of at will. Show a loving consideration for all
creatures and seek to maintain the beauty and variety of the world. Work to ensure that our increasing power
over nature is used responsibly, with reverence for life. Rejoice in the splendour of God’s continuing creation
Advices and Queries 42
Quaker Arts Network set up the Loving Earth project in 2019 to engage creatively with the question
of climate change by asking what we care about in this world and what action we can take to protect
it. Over 400 textile panels were produced for an exhibition in November 2020 shown at the COP26
talks in Glasgow. These panels, reflecting all ages, abilities and environmental concerns have now
been made available for local exhibitions. Our Friend, Gill Coleman, negotiated with
to put on an exhibition of over 50 panels for the whole of February 2023.
Two workshops were held in the library for local people to create panels to put on show. There was
a small exhibition at Kinson Library from 1 to 17 March.
Quaker friends from Bournemouth, Poole and Wimborne have also been meeting to share ideas.
A group of friends are meeting monthly to continue making panels and to show our work at various
places and event to highlight the climate emergency. If you want to join us contact Gill Coleman or Kate Wright
It is too late for the following invitation but watch for further information about this venture. Ed
We invite you to
The Loving Earth Exhibition
Bournemouth Central Library
31 January – 24 February 2023
A travelling exhibition of 50 textile panels that have been created
to show how climate change is impacting the things we love.
For details about the project look on the website or contact