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Volunteer request

                       The Oxfam Bookshop in Swanage is very short of
                       volunteers and good quality clean books. We have
        various shifts to suit, mornings or afternoons, full training given.
        Help us beat poverty. Apply online at Please feel
        free to pop in for an informal chat. Ian Vatcher.

       The famous saying “when one door closes another door
       opens,” is actually a famous quote by Alexander
       Graham Bell. The quote ends with “but we often look
       so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we
       do not see the ones which open for us.”

             HALL             To book a room at Church please check the
        BOOKINGS               on-line calendar on the Church website.
                            If it is a Church event send details to Elizabeth
             HALL                 If it is a private booking fill in the
         BOOKINGS               Booking Form which is on the website.

                       Are you ready to pray?

                       Davina sends out a regular email with basic
                       pastoral information coupled with a request for
                       prayer for a person or situation.

                       Contact Davina to have your name added to the

                                                Weekly or two-weekly for 2/3
        Kath Savage Cleaning                      hours depending on your
         (Chris Pullen’s daughter-in-law)      requirements. Days and times
        Reliable Top quality cleaning          negotiable - reasonable rates
                                              Contact Kath on 07762 282977
        (Already cleaning for some of the        or Chris on 01929 423505
             lovely people at Church)

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