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P. 18

Fairest Lord Jesus,
       Lord of all creation,

       Jesus, of God and man the son;
       You will I cherish, You will I honour,
       You are my soul’s delight and crown.

       Fair are the rivers, meadows and forests
       clothed in the fresh
              green robes of Spring;
       Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer,
       He makes the saddest heart to sing.

       Fair is the sunrise;
             starlight and moonlight
       spreading their glory across the sky;
       Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines clearer
       than all the heavenly host on high.

       All fairest beauty,
            heavenly and earthly,
       Jesus, my Lord, in You I see;
       none can be nearer, fairer, or dearer
       than You, my Saviour, are to me.

       This hymn has a very mysterious history. It is not known who wrote
       it, except the last verse. Joseph Seiss translated it into English,
       and added the last verse in 1873. But it is not known exactly when
       it was written - the date range is quite wide, and individual
       researchers have determined on dates extending from 1640 to

       However, what is known is that it was written in Munster,
       Westphalia, (now part of Germany), and possibly by Jesuits.
       Another interesting touch to its history is that different hymn books
       have slightly different wording - presumably the choice of the
       editors. The words above are from Mission Praise number 823.

       It’s an appropriate and lovely hymn for the start of Spring!

                                                              Graham Neads

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