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       Our Beetle and Bingo was a fun evening for all – no skill required –
       and hot dogs and ice-cream supper much enjoyed. Along with a
       successful raffle run by Ann and Derek, we raised over £230.

       Thank you to Emily and Lesley who cooked, and Ann Y for the

       With three dates in June already busy for other events we decided
       to plan our next Fund Raiser for July.

       Martin B, has offered to celebrate American Independence Day on
       Saturday July 8  with an American Quiz Evening!
        (D0N’T worry he says we will know more than we think!)
       and Gill is organising an American themed Raffle!

                       SEE PAGE 17 FOR FULL DETAILS
       We have reluctantly decided to increase entry on the door to £6.

       Don’t forget 4  Friday in the
       month @112 is Cake Week.
       Come and join us if you are
       not already a regular,
       it’s such a happy  morning.

       T   F n  R i  r

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