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Helium atoms that form Carbon bouncing off “A common sense
one another instead of bonding. interpretation of the
facts suggests that
Thirdly, once we have enough Carbon to a super-intellect has
support Life, the conditions also have to be ‘just monkeyed with
right’ for complex molecules to form and hold physics, as well as
together – and within the temperature range with chemistry and
that support their stability on Earth. DNA – the biology.”
code for Life – is one such complex Sir Fred Hoyle
molecule – the odds against it existing are
astronomically astronomical!
Compared with the 1/400,000,000,000 chance of you being born,
the whole ‘chance’ of you being here right now on a planet that is
‘just right’ are simply unbelievable!
Do you feel ‘lucky’? You should!
Lex McKee, Mission Enabler
It’s some time since we had a prayer afternoon,
so, with the Elders’ support,
I would like to start them up again, beginning on
Wednesday 21 June 2 - 4 pm,
please note not Sunday afternoon as in the past.
My idea for the afternoon is to go back to the basic building blocks
of our faith based on the hymn
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of this world will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace
The afternoon will start with a hymn and Bible reading followed by
a short reflection and a time to pray. After that we’ll spend a short
while thinking about our basic values and finally start to
prayerfully consider our Mission Statement.
We will finish with Communion led by Martyn.
Please come if you are able, but if you have other commitments,
please find a time to pray for our church near that day. I’m hoping
there will be a board available so that we can share ideas and
insights. Anne Squires