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       Dear Friends,

       Three years ago I think we were still in Lockdown. I remember how
       frightened we were and worried that we might not survive. Do you
       remember that? These were stressful times to live through, but
       most of us pulled through and are here to tell the tale.

       We now have a new King and Queen and I believe are in the
       Carolean era. It doesn't quite trip off the tongue like Elizabethan -
       does it? So, after 70 years of Queen Elizabeth II, we have change.
       Sometimes change takes much time. If we are bereaved, we may
       be grieving for months, even years. Eventually we learn to live with
       that loss, but the loss has changed us.  Things we see or hold in
       our memory may make us feel sad. As Christians we believe in life
       after death, but sometimes the life before death is very difficult.

       We have all gone through many changes in our lives. We may
       have moved house several times, or had different jobs taking us
       away from friends and family. Our health may have changed the
       way we live. New people come into our lives. Sometimes a new
       friend is exactly what we need at a certain time. We may have
       prayed to God for help and the hand of God can be seen in the
       new situation. Our God is a God of surprises and help may come
       from an unexpected source.

       Our churches are facing another period of change and we are
       wondering what the future has in store. We will carry on, but
       always praying that God will help and guide us. One thing we can
       be sure of is that God is always the same, always loving us, always
       listening to our fears and problems, always supporting us. We may
       feel alone, but we are not alone. Remember Jesus' words to His
       disciples: ' I will be with you until the end of the world'. In times of
       change, this is our hope.

       Every blessing                                          Janet

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